A new law funding the US Department of Education through Fall 2019 provides $770 million more in funding for student enrichment and academic enrichment grants under Title IV-A of the ESSA law. Private school students and staff are eligible for these funds.
The new appropriations act, signed by President Trump in September, provides $1.17 billion, up from $400 million for the new Title program. Such a considerable increase in funding means more money may be available for equitable services for eligible, participating private schools.
Title IV-A is a new part of the ESSA and seeks to provide students with help in three broad content areas:
1) Providing a well-rounded education by supporting college and career counseling, STEM programs, arts, civic and AP programs;
2) Promoting safe and healthy students by supporting mental health, drug and violence prevention, health and physical education, and training in trauma-informed practices;
3) Supporting the effective use of technology backed by professional development, blended learning and ed-tech devices.
It is important for private school administrators and public school district personnel to understand how private schools are supposed to be served through the equitable service provisions in the ESSA law.
Under the law, the responsibility to ensure that private schools have equitable participation is to be carried out by the State Education Agency, the Local Education Agency and CESAs. They are responsible for ensuring that private school students, teachers and other staff are provided equitable participation in the ESSA and all of its Title programs.
There are a number of responsibilities LEAs (your resident public school district) have in providing the equitable services. They include providing timely and meaningful consultation that addresses the private school’s student needs, how those needs will be identified and served, and the amount of funding available to provide the services discussed. The consultation must take place before the LEA has made any decisions that would impact the ability of private school students and teachers to participate in Title IV-A.
Title IV-A requires an assurance from LEAs that the grant will be spent according to certain percentages of funds under each of three aforementioned content areas, as follows:
1) At least 20 percent of funds for well-rounded education (section 4107)
2) At least 20 percent of funds for safe and healthy schools (section 4108)
3) A portion of funds for effective use of technology (section 4109) – at least one LEA budget item must be under this section, with not more than 15 percent spent on technology infrastructure.
These distribution requirements pertain to an LEA’s entire allocation, including the proportionate share of funds available for equitable services for eligible private school student and teacher participation. This means the LEA does not need to meet these requirements separately for the proportionate share.
For examples of allowable uses for private schools of Title IV-A funds, visit the DPI’s website at https://dpi.wi.gov/titleiva.