Meet the Presenters

WCRIS Lunch & Learn: Building Your School to Support Your Mission


Nicholas Kent, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, ALEP
Nick arrived at Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP (PRA) following several years leading large projects at a Chicago-based international design firm. Nick contributed to a variety of notable projects in a variety of studios before focusing on learning environments. Over time, he has honed his holistic view of design and how architecture helps (or hurts) students and has contributed to the dialogue at many conferences and independent initiatives. Nick is a partner of PRA, a notable Accredited Learning Environment Planner, intent on helping both educators and students every day. Read more about Nick here.

Mike Bahr, AIA
Mike entered the industry in 1987, working for a Milwaukee-based design company while finishing his degree. Mike was recruited to an international design company following graduation. His early career experience ranged from drafting to building design to developing unique design software but soon coalesced around predesign to identify client needs and master planning projects that improve client operations. Mike is currently a partner at Plunkett Raysich Architects, LLP (PRA) with responsibility for communications and developing new services. Read more about Mike here.