Women’s-college-basketball-star-turned-professional-athlete Caitlin Clark has taken society by storm – breaking records, selling out jerseys and stadiums and racking up television views. Her professional debut is set to make television history next week, and the cost for courtside seats is up to $5,000 per ticket.

But did you know she comes from a private, religious K-12 Council for American Private Education (CAPE) school background?

Her story is similar to the one many of you know well. She attended private elementary school before enrolling at Dowling Catholic High School in West Des Moines, Iowa, where her grandfather was previously a teacher and coach and her mother, aunts and uncles all attended before her. Clark has lauded the culture of her high school, calling it “a special place to go to school.”

Read more about Clark and her religious school background here and hear from her elementary and high school teachers here.